7 Reasons to consider going barefoot

Barefoot is the most natural way of walking or doing any activities. The state of being connected to the earth by wearing no or minimal footwear. 

What is the first thing you do after entering your home ? Remove the shoe ! Right! Why ? because your feet can breathe. The most natural way is barefoot. We all enjoy the freedom of being barefoot… spreading out our toes and feeling light on our feet. Of course, modern life means that kicking off our shoes isn’t always possible. But that doesn’t mean we have to leave the benefits of that barefoot feel behind!  

If you’ve never tried a barefoot shoe before, then this simple discovery could transform every step of your day. People the world over are moving more healthily and happily than ever, with just one simple change – the shoes on their feet.

Here are 7 most obvious benefit of Being barefoot or trying barefoot footwear.

Give it a thought.

  1. Your feet can breathe no more squish toes, Freedom of movement


The forces of fashion have pushed us towards dainty, pointy and unnaturally shaped shoes. Place a bare foot on top of almost any shoe on the market, and you’ll notice something rather obvious – your foot is a different shape to the shoe!

When you wear nothing or barefoot footwear your feet will be in most natural manner. Feet will be able to move freely and thus function in best possible manner

  1. Improve Posture


A barefoot shoe has zero elevation under foot, leaving all those mechanics free to work as nature intended, paving the way for a naturally healthier posture. Your feet and fingers are spreader and whole body weight will be properly distributed and thus helps in overall posture improvement.

  1. Improved sensory feedback

Barefoot or minimalistic shoes offer maximum sensory feedback. There are 33 joints in each foot, hundreds of muscles, tendons and ligaments in each foot and 100000-200000 exteroceptors in the sole of each foot - collectively forming two of the body's most beautifully efficient mechanisms. So when you wear minimalistic footwear your sensory feedback from feet to brain improves drastically. Whizzing between your feet and your brain is a huge amount of sensory information, helping your brain understand what’s happening underfoot with each step so it can guide skilful movement decisions.

Putting squishy padding or rigid heels under the foot makes this task a whole lot more difficult, as the sensory information that the brain so heavily relies on becomes muffled.

Instead, a barefoot shoe uses a minimally thin (but highly durable and puncture resistant!) sole, designed to maximise the enriching sensory information available to the brain. It does a brilliant job of protecting the foot from cuts and the cold… whilst leaving all that sensory circuitry free to do its thing.

  1. Improved balance, stability and grip


When there is no layer between your feet and ground automatically your balance will improve . try this now and you will feel the difference.

  1. No foot pain from weird restrictive shoes


if you’ve been wearing ‘conventional’ shoes, you’re probably all too familiar with ‘the end of day sigh’ when you finally kick them off. Barefoot shoes are designed to eliminate this feeling. So much so, that you’ll probably forget to take your shoes off when you walk through the door.

They’re naturally foot-shaped, letting your feet move as nature intended, with no restriction, rubbing or cramped toes. 

  1. Barefoot can help Building strong foundation for whole body 

It goes without saying that if your feet are weak, painful or tense and inflexible, it’s going to affect every step of the day.

When left to move naturally, most feet do a brilliant job of effortlessly supporting happy, healthy movement.

Flat feet, plantar Fasciitis, bunions, knee pain and back pain can all be linked to problems with foot health, strength and flexibility, often caused by problematic shoes.

A barefoot shoe is designed to encourage the foot to stay naturally strong, flexible and healthy.  In the absence of support and padding, the foot remains inherently strong and supple (rather than becoming lazy and weak) – and does a very good job of keeping you moving without pain or injury.

  1. Barefoot is natural


Do you wear anything on your hands? No right then why all the time you cover your feet. Barefoot is how it supposed to be. So when you need you can wear feet shaped shoe with wider toe box and tgin sole and not the boxes which you have been wearing whole your life ! yes those big cushioned shoes are like box which trap your feet inside and restrict them. Think Once 


Bare feet are Happy feet Healthy feet 

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